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发布时间:2023-11-15 热度:30











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1、(上网) (成语名人)

四面楚歌、破釜沉舟——项羽 刮目相看——吕蒙

三顾茅庐、鞠躬尽瘁——诸葛亮 一鼓作气——曹刿

投笔从戎—— 班超 负荆请罪——廉颇

完璧归赵——蔺相如 凿壁借光—— 匡衡

指鹿为马—— 赵高 纸上谈兵——赵括

精忠报国—— 岳飞 闻鸡起舞——祖逖

入木三分——王羲之 卧薪尝胆——勾践

乐不思蜀——刘禅 图穷匕见——荆轲

胯下之辱——韩信 煮豆燃萁——曹植


2、(上网) (成语故事

《不耻下问》 《悬梁刺股》

《囊萤映雪》 《一饭千金》



3、(上网) (成语中的名人故事)

















调查方法 涉及资料 获得信息

1、(上网) (成语名人)

四面楚歌、破釜沉舟——项羽 刮目相看——吕蒙

三顾茅庐、鞠躬尽瘁——诸葛亮 一鼓作气——曹刿

投笔从戎—— 班超 负荆请罪——廉颇

完璧归赵——蔺相如 凿壁借光—— 匡衡

指鹿为马—— 赵高 纸上谈兵——赵括

精忠报国—— 岳飞 闻鸡起舞——祖逖

入木三分——王羲之 卧薪尝胆——勾践

乐不思蜀——刘禅 图穷匕见——荆轲

胯下之辱——韩信 煮豆燃萁——曹植


2、(上网) (成语故事

《不耻下问》 《悬梁刺股》

《囊萤映雪》 《一饭千金》



3、(上网) (成语中的名人故事)












1. 查阅有关成语中名人故事的书籍,了解成语中的名人故事。

2. 上网浏览,通过网上途径,搜集成语中的名人故事。

3. 阅读报刊,了解成语中的名人故事。

三、 调查情况和资料整理:






1. 成语里的确有名人故事,是有名人故事演变出来的。

2. 这些成语对我们有很大的帮助,在学习上和生活中都会运用到。

3. 成语中的名人故事中还有许多名人的品质优点值得我们学习。

4. 这些成语都有一定的道理,激发我们努力学习,开发我们的道德思想更上一层楼。




i read the novel---the hunger games, because i with my good friend during the spring festival had no intention to see the hunger games 3 .then i stayed up late to watch the first two films and i “fell in love with” it.a series of this film is the most special subject i had ever seen by far. after reading the novel, you will marvel at the author's ideas.in my heart, its status only harry potter and the matrix can be comparable to,so as the original novel, i think it's more attractive.

i think the novel’s most attractive part is the set to the hunger games .design of these levels of the game designer can make you feel very exquisite beyond compare, but the premise is that these levels are used to kill the ”tributes “in the hunger games.this contradiction will make you feel nervous at the destiny of tributes , also hope to see then what are the organs during reading the novel.in this process, your mood will be shocked with the tribute’s death , and marveled at this ”ruthless art” of the designer.it also reflects the people's dark side,as the residents of congressional district in the novel take the hunger games as a reality show.people will generally ignore the person’ life who has nothing to do with their own ,what's more, will have the mood to appreciate other people's death.

what the novel another very attracts me is the indomitable

spirit of heroine ----this is really heartfelt admiration.she dare to offend the authority,and in such a dangerous environment, a 16 years old girl in addition to overcomes the designer's levels, but also more dangerous heart. really secretly applaud and congratulate for every time she escapes danger while reading the novel. she is also the person who personal charm is strong.she dare to stand against powerful congressional district,and infects people in other areas to rebel with her actions.although this is a kind of actress’s ”halo”,it is undeniable that when you read the novel. that spirit really touches you,and you are one's blood boils with indignation.

this is a novel about the rights, political, courage, conspiracy, resistance ,so what you want to see all can be found in there.once you begin to read, and absolutely can't stop.the film of the same name is popular all over the world.this is its charm .i sincerely recommend you to read this novel, and you can watch the movies the same time. i expect it can bring you wonderful ”shock”.


celebrity preach produced in the early of 20th century by romain rolland includes three parts: beethoven biography, michelangelo biography, and tolstoy biography. it has a great influence no matter at that time or in later age. in the three biographies, the author tries to grasp the common ground between the three artists who are specialized in different areas. the book put forth the effort to describe the long-term sufferings from the pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful.

open the book.we can see the paragraph in the foreword ,'heavy as the air around us. oldbig's europa with corruption in heavy polluted atmosphere, bisu materialism unconscious thoughts, obstruct the leads the government and individual action. the humble social in cleverly die selfishness, human breath. open the window!' let free air to come in! breathe heroes breath.' here he wants to rectify the deviation of the society by heroism. after reading the book, beethoven's perseverance, pioneering spirit and never concede to life impress me most and teach me most.

i thought beethoven, as a great musician, was lucky. but i am wrong. behind sheen is always painful experience. his childhood was miserable. his father was impatient to exploit his musical geniuses. his father forced him to him to practice various musical instruments with violence. when he grew up, bad luck visited him again. he lost his dearest mother. beethoven is ugly so he was denied by love not only for once. and his body betrayed him too. he is deaf and can communicate with others only by paper. most of his opuses were composed after his deaf. he went through his life with difficulty both in his physical condition and spirit. although all these miserable experiences, he never give up music and push european classical music to a new peak. you cannot imagine how hard it is to keep his faith with such great difficulties.

beethoven lived a miserable life. but why he can still succeed? why can he do the things that even a normal people can not do? well, that arouse my curiosity. thinking deeply, maybe it is his super perseverance and pioneering spirit that make him successful. facing with difficulties, he can fight bravely with no fear. beethoven has little friends because of his odd temper,so in his difficulties, he fight alone and hard. although lonely, he learned a lot which others can not learned. as long as give oneself unbounded courage, no matter how terrible the enemy is, you can beat it.

the boil of life raise the end of music. beethoven longs for happiness too. he do not believe that his misfortune is uncurable. he is eager for love. he has hope. beethoven fight with destiny and finally become a celebrity. in the same way, we should try studying hard and be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar. there is a line beethoven write to his brother:'only moral, not the money, can make people happy.'

an unlucky person,made by poverty, disability, loneliness, and suffering,the world don't give him joy, but he creates a joy to give the world. he use his misery to cast joy. yes, that pain won welcome, is the exhortation of his life. it is what that support beethoven for so long? they are the quality that never

lower his head, the determination that never been bribed, and the courage that take fate by the throat! it is these spirit that helped beethoven go through the innumerable pains. then what the celebrity preach exactly want to tell us is that only the tragedy overcoming

misery can help us carry the cruel fate and push on. besides it also reminds us that miserable fate and painful test donot only coming to ordinary people, but also the great people. when we are suffering, we should not blame everyone and everything but not ourselves, and we should in our faith and try as best as we can to fight for yourself.

if you are suffering, maybe it is a sign of the growth of a great man. so do not be afraid of difficulties, just face them and fight.










